Basics of Acting
We all act; we play roles every day. This class is designed for everyone--beginner or professional-- who wants to learn (or relearn) the basic personal responsibilities of an actor or public performer. Develop your individual performance skills through various theatre games, role-playing exercises, audition techniques, and rehearsal skills. You will prepare and perform a final memorized monologue for group presentation and critique.
Scene Study
Actors rarely perform alone. This class is designed for people who want to learn the basic cooperative responsibilities of an actor performing with other actors. Develop your ensemble performance skills through various exercises with a partner, audition techniques, and rehearsal skills. You will prepare and perform a final memorized scene with another actor for group presentation and critique.
Theatre for Young People (6-9)
Discover yourself through the wonderful world of theatre. This class is designed for young children (6-9) and provides a creative general introduction to the theatre arts through theatre games, role-playing, improvisation, and story telling. This practical approach encourage creative thinking, problem solving, and cooperation in group activities.
Theatre for Young People (10-13)
Discover yourself through the wonderful world of theatre. This class is designed for older children (10-13) and provides a creative general introduction to the theatre arts through theatre games, role-playing, improvisation, and story telling. This practical approach encourages creative thinking, problem solving, and cooperation in group activities.
Theatre for Young People (14-18)
Discover yourself through the wonderful world of theatre. This class is designed for young adults (14-18) and provides a creative general introduction to the theatre arts through theatre games, role-playing, improvisation, and story telling. This practical approach encourages creative thinking, problem solving, and cooperation in group activities.
Voice Production and Dialects
No two people speak exactly alike. This class is designed for those who want to improve the quality of their speaking voice. You will learn about and practice the process of voice production (for speaking), the vocal variables, and the principles of Standard American Speech compared with and adding to your own natural speaking habits.
The Alexander Technique
Everyone can learn how to overcome postural bad habits by applying the principles of the Alexander Technique. Lecture-demonstrations about the A.T. run variable lengths, but learning the A.T. requires a series of private, one-on-one, 30-minute lessons in which you will experience how you use yourself in activity. The Alexander Technique develops more efficient breathing, thinking, balance, coordination, and poise, leading to increased self-confidence and a higher standard of overall robust well being.
Technical Theatre
This class is designed for those who want to find out what happens "backstage" in the theatre. Any theatre production can be improved with technical support in the form of scenery, properties, lighting, audio effects, costuming, make-up, publicity, and front-of-house management. Learn the coordination necessary to produce theatre efficiently.
Study the six principles of drama identified by Aristotle: Plot, Character, Thought, Dialogue, Music, and Spectacle.
Theatre Audition and On-Camera Cold-read Techniques
Preparation and practice for both theatre auditions and on-camera cold-reads.
Make-up Demonstration
A live demonstration of stage make-up applications, techniques, and effects.
Introduction to Theatre of the Western World
A general overview of the various aspects and forms of theatre presentation throughout Western World history.
The Nonprofit Professional Theatre
The United States has over 380 professional theatres organized on a nonprofit basis. These theatres--located throughout the nation--hire more performers, directors, playwrights, and technicians than are employed commercially in New York and Los Angeles combined.
Theatre Management and Administration
An overview of staff responsibilities and professional relationships involved in the efficient operation of a legitimate theatre organization.
Theatre Appreciation
An escorted tour (TBA) to view a variety of theatre arts presentations in your community plus a series of after-performance open discussions.
Speech Communication Skills
Basic public speaking emphasizing content, organization, and delivery of informative and persuasive speeches in both impromptu and prepared formats.
An Evening with Jim Coates, Theatre PhD/Professional Actor
A lively one-man theatre performance by Jim Coates, plus an open discussion on theatre arts including audience participation.
Theatre Games
A series of short improvisational assignments for individuals, pairs, and groups, designed to stimulate creative thinking and strengthen problem-solving skills.